
R. 슈트라우스/Wiegenlied Op.41 No.1 (자장가) - 엘리자베스 슈바르츠코프, 소프라노

로만짜 2012. 2. 23. 01:00


    Richard Strauss (1864 – 1949)
    Wiegenlied Op.41 No.1 (자장가) 
    Radio Symphonie Orchester Berlin 
    Conducted by George Szell
    Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, sop 
    Die Ähren nur noch nicken
    Das Haupt ist innen schwer;
    Die müden Blumen blicken,
    Nur schüchtern noch umher.
    Da kommen Abendwinde,
    Still wie die Engelein,
    Und wiegen sanft und linde
    Die Halm' und Blumen ein.
    Und wie die Blumen blicken,
    So schüchtern blickst du nun,
    Und wie die Ähren nicken
    Will auch dein Häuptlein ruh'n.
    Und Abendklänge schwingen
    Still wie die Engelein
    Sich um die Wieg, und singen
    Mein Kind im Schlummer ein.
    only the ears of corn still nod,
    Their heads are weighed down;
    The tired flowers seem
    To be retiring over here.
    The evening breeze comes on,
    As hushed as the little angels,
    And it gently, softly rocks
    The stalks and flowers.
    And just as the flowers seem,
    So do you seem retiring now,
    And as the ears of corn nod,
    So your little head also wants to rest.
    And the evening bells swing
    As hushed as the little angels
    At your cradle, and they sing
    My child into slumber.