
R. 슈트라우스/4 개의 마지막 노래 - Charlotte Margiono

로만짜 2011. 6. 27. 13:34

      Richard Strauss, Vier letzte lieder (Four Last Songs) Charlotte Margiono 1. Frühling (Spring 봄) In dusky valleys I dreamt long of your trees and blue skies, of your scent and birdsong. Now you appear in all your finery, shining brilliantly like a miracle before me. You recognize me, you tenderly embrace me; all my limbs tremble at your glorious presence! (Composed: July 20, 1948) 2. September(9월) The garden is in mourning; the cool rain seeps into the flowers. Summertime shudders, quietly awaiting his end. Golden leaf after leaf falls down from the tall acacia tree. Summer smiles, astonished and feeble, in his dying dream of a garden. For a while beside the roses he remains, yearning for repose. Slowly he closes his weary eyes. (Composed: September 20, 1948) 3. Beim Schlafengehen (Going to sleep 잠자리에 들 때) Now I am wearied of the day; all my ardent desires shall gladly succumb to the starry night like a sleepy child. Hands, stop all your work; brow, forget all your thoughts; all my senses now yearn to sink into sleep. And my unguided spirit wishes to fly up freely into night's magic sphere to live deeply and thousandfold. (Composed: August 4, 1948) 4. Im Abendrot (Evening's Glow 황혼녘에) We have gone through sorrow and joy hand in hand; from wandering we now rest on the silent land. Around us, the valleys bow; the air is growing darker; two larks soar still with reverie into the fragrant air. Come close to me and let them fly about; soon it will be time to sleep; let us not lose our way in this solitude. O vast, tranquil peace! so deep at sunset. How weary we are of wandering - Is this perhaps death? (Composed: May 6, 1948) Dutch Soprano, Charlotte Margiono (1955 - )