슈베르트 성악곡
Franz Peter Schubert (1797 - 1828) The Lord is my Shepherd
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall be well supplied. Since He is mine and I am His, What can I want beside? He leads me to the place Where heav'nly pasture grows, Where living waters gently pass And full salvation flows. If e'er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim And guides me in His own right way For His most holy name. While He affords His aid, I cannot yield to fear; Though I should walk through death's dark shade, My Shepherd's with me there. In spite of all my foes Thou dost my table spread; My cup with blessing overflows, And joy exalts my head. The bounties of Thy love Shall crown my following days, Nor from Thy house will I remove Nor cease to speak Thy praise. Choir of Westminster Cathedral cafe.daum.net/arthill