비발디 성가

비발디 / Nulla in mundo pax sincera (이 세상에 참 평화 없어라) RV630 - Sop. Emma Kirkby

로만짜 2007. 3. 2. 17:23

Antonio Vivaldi(1678 - 1741)

Nulla in mundo pax sincera
 RV 630 
 Sop. Emma Kirkby

 Nulla in mundo pax sincera
 Sine felle; pura et vera
 Dulcis Jesu est in te 
 (There is no true love in the world
 without bitterness; in you, sweet Jesus, 
 it is pure and rightfull).
 Inter poenas et tormenta, 
 vivit anima contenta,
 Casti amoris, sola spe.
 (Among anguish and torment
 lives the contented soul,
 its only hope, chaste love).
 Blando colore oculus mundus decipit
 et occulto vulnere corda conficit.
 Fugiamus ridentem
 vitemus sequentem
 has delicias ostentando;
 arte secura vellet ludendo superare.
 (The world beguiles our eyes with alluring
 and consumes our hearts with hidden 
 When it laughs, let us flee from it;
 when it pursues us, flaunting its delights,
 let us shun it;
 for by carefree conduct and amusements
 it would overcome us).
 Spirat anguis inter flores
 Et colore explicando tegit fel.
 Spirat anguis, sed tegit fel.
 (The serpent slithers through flowers,
 and whilst it shows the beauty of its
 colours it conceals its vendom.
 The serpent slithers, but it conceals
 its vendom).
 Sed occulto factus ore
 Homo demens in amore
 Saepe lambit quasi mel.
 (But he who is dumbstruck
 and insane with love,
 will often lick it as it were honey).