아티스트(성악)/^^베냐미노 질리

빅터 허버트/말괄량이 마리에타 1,2 막 아리아 - 핸드릭스 & 베냐미노 질리

로만짜 2011. 2. 7. 23:00

Victor Herbert operetta 'Naughty Marietta' 1,2....순으로 연속듣기 (Act I) Ah My Heart Is Back In Napoli (Italian Street Song) 02'48 (Act 2 ) Ah! sweet mystery of life (Song of the fountain) 02'14 *Young, Rida Johnson, lyric Ah my heart is back in Napoli, Dear Napoli, dear Napoli, And I seem to hear again in dreams Her revelry, her sweet revelry. The mandolinas playing sweet, the pleasant sound of dancing feet, Oh, could I return, oh, joy complete. Napoli, Napoli, Napoli. Zing, zing, zizzy, zizzy, zing, zing, Boom, boom, ay. Zing, zing, zizzy, zizzy, zing, zing Mandolinas gay. Zing, zing, zizzy, zizzy, zing, zing Boom, boom, aye. La, la, la, ha, ha, ha, Zing, Boom, ay. La, la, la, la, ha, ha, ha zing, boom, ay. (Musical Break) The mandolinas playing sweet, the pleasant sound of dancing feet, Oh, could I return, oh, joy complete. Napoli, Napoli, Napoli. Zing, zing, zizzy, zizzy, zing, zing, Boom, boom, ay. Zing, zing, zizzy, zizzy, zing, zing Mandolinas gay. Zing, zing, zizzy, zizzy, zing, zing Boom, boom, aye. La, la, la, ha, ha, ha, Zing, Boom, ay. La, la, la, la, ha, ha, ha zing, boom, ay. ' ' Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life Lyrics MR. GRAYDON: Ah! Sweet mystery of life At last I've found thee Ah! I know at last the secret of it all! MISS DOROTHY: All the longing, seeking, striving, waiting, yearning The burning hopes, the joy and idle tears that fall MR. GRAYDON: I've a very strange feeling I never felt before 'Tis a kind of a grind of depression MISS DOROTHY: My heart's acting strangely; it feels rather sore At least it gives me that impression MR. GRAYDON: My pulses leap madly without any cause Believe me, I'm telling you truly MISS DOROTHY: I'm gay without pause Then sad without cause MR. GRAYDON: My spirits are truly unruly For I'm falling in love with someone Some one girl I'm falling in love with someone Head awhirl! BOTH: Yes, I'm falling in love with someone Plain to see MR. GRAYDON: I'm sure I could love someone madly If someone would only love me (They dance an impassioned if acrobatic pas de deux.) BOTH: Yes, I'm falling in love with someone Plain to see I'm sure I could love someone madly If someone would only love me Barbara Hendricks, sop Philharmonia Orchestra Lawrence Foster, cond Herbert, Victor Naughty Marietta (Act II) Ah! Sweet mystery of life Beniamino Gigli, tenor *음원 출처(국외 사이트) 2011/2/02 리알토