
드보르작 / 어머니가 가르쳐 주신 노래 - 엘리지벳 슈바르츠코프(소프라노) 파블로 카잘스 (첼로)

로만짜 2007. 1. 11. 02:46
    Antonin Dvorak; Gypsy Melodies (Op.55/4)
    Als die alte Mutter (Songs my mother taught me)
    1. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, soprano (영어 가사로 부름)
        Gerald Moore, piano
    2. Pablo Casals, cello
        Blas Net, piano 
              Songs my mother taught me,
              In the days long vanished;
              Seldom from her eyelids
              Were the teardrops banished.
              Now I teach my children,
              Each melodious measure.
              Oft the tears are flowing,
              Oft they flow from my memory's treasure.
                          출   처: ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣ / 카페 / 슈도사피언스